Meet me where the Sunflowers are

Tay, Cam and myself ventured out to Badger Creek for the annual sunflowers everyone raves about! It was a beautiful summer night. The sunflowers just bloomed so it was perfect timing to get Alex & Haley maternity session scheduled in. Haley is the granddaughter to one of my sister in law's employee's. I love getting referrals from Jill. She is the best! I wasn't sure if I was going to do sunflowers this year with it being right after we moved and wasn't sure when they would bloom. Seems like every year it changes. Thankfully we were able to get the sunset to peak in the photos which made it magical! I absolutely love shooting during sun set but sometimes its hard to get people to commit to staying up late. It's totally worth it I think! Alex & Haley brought their dogs, Sterling & Sage. They were a little too excited at first but after several treats they mellowed out in time to get some good shots. This session is one of my favorites!